Home of Aussie Meat Pies in Arizona

Now Delivering To Phoenix Metropolitan Weekly

A Taste of Down Under

The AZ Pie Guys

Picture this: a lawyer, tech whiz, and magician from Down Under walk into a bar. After a few cold ones and some grub, they’re craving a proper meat pie. What’s their solution? They start the AZ Pie Guys – bringing Aussie pies to the masses!

 Paul, Morgan, and Graham found themselves in a bit of a pickle back in 2020. They were seriously craving an authentic Australian meat pie, but to their dismay, there wasn’t a single one to be found in Phoenix, Arizona. This sparked a wild adventure where they scoured the country, sampling meat pies and sausage rolls from bakeries far and wide. Their quest was not in vain, as they eventually stumbled upon Aussie Pies & Sausages in Los Angeles, run by the one and only Jay Jay Wolfpie. It was a true treasure trove of down under flavors that made their taste buds dance with joy, bringing a slice of home to their hearts.

 As 2023 rolled around, a big decision loomed. Paul jetted back to Oz, Morgan moseyed off to Texas, leaving Graham to ponder: keep AZ Pie Guys chugging along or call it quits? The Aussie and New Zealand crowd and other pie-loving locals piped up, “Don’t you dare shut shop, mate! We need our fair dinkum fix!” So, with a few tweaks to the business, AZ Pie Guys kept on truckin’. Since then, they’ve been flat out like a lizard drinking, delivering up even more meat pies, sausage rolls, and treats for everyone to enjoy.

 AZ Pie Guys is the heart of Arizona’s Aussie and Kiwi community, throwing ripper events that bring together pie lovers and homesick down under peeps together to enjoy a taste of home and good ol’ down under traditions.

Delivering to Phoenix Metro Weekly

Tucson & Flagstaff by request

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